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- Select training provider - (University Information Services - Digital Literacy Skills)
Instructor-led course

Provided by: Cambridge University Library Staff Learning & Development

Tue 8 Jan 2019

Register interest
Register your interest - if you would be interested in additional dates being scheduled.

Events available

All Cambridge Libraries : Alma Acquisitions Module


This course is for staff that will need to use the Acquisitions functionality in Alma and have not had experience of it before. The course covers the key activities that will be performed in Acquisitions, including:

  • Vendor records
  • Funds and Ledgers
  • Po lines and POs
  • Creating a PO line
  • PO line template
  • Manual packaging
  • Creating a PO Line from an external bib record
  • Cancelling or deleting a Purchase Order
  • Receiving
  • Cataloguing processes
  • Invoices
  • Claims
Target audience

All Cambridge Libraries staff who use the ALMA system


Set up with access to the ALMA system


Half Day Workshop

Events available