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PPD Personal and Professional Development course timetable


Tue 15 Dec 2020 – Wed 24 Feb 2021

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December 2020

Tue 15

The Head of Research Operations briefing will provide you with an understanding of the risks associated with undertaking externally funded research projects and how income from research impacts the University finances, particularly in the current climate.

Wed 16
Recruitment Essentials: Appointing the Right Candidate (Professional Services Appointments) Finished 09:30 - 12:30 N/A - PPD Zoom (Internal Ref:Standard)

This workshop provides an opportunity for those recruiting to professional services roles to update and refresh their understanding of the recruitment and selection processes at the University of Cambridge. It includes an overview of the current recruitment and selection process and how to create the conditions where you can recruit the best candidate, avoiding common pitfalls, whilst ensuring practice is fair to all candidates at each stage.

NOTE If you are new to recruitment and selection, it is recommended that you attend the 1 day Recruitment and Selection Skills workshop.

January 2021

Tue 12
Recruitment Essentials: Appointing the Right Candidate (Academic Appointments) Finished 14:00 - 16:00 N/A - PPD Zoom (Internal Ref:App)

This workshop provides an opportunity for academic staff to understand the recruitment and selection process and how to create the conditions where you can recruit the best candidate and avoid common pitfalls. It includes an overview of the recruitment and selection process and identifies the key principles to ensure practice is fair to all candidates at each stage.

The course is primarily aimed at academic staff involved in making selection decisions for academic roles and those with responsibility for coordinating academic recruitment procedures.

Wed 13
Crucial Conversations: How Can We Tackle Them? new Finished 11:00 - 13:00 N/A - PPD Zoom (Internal Ref:Standard)

A crucial conversation is a discussion between two or more people where the stakes are high, opinions vary and emotions run strong: it is sensitive by nature. For these reasons, the conversation may require courage to have. So it is human nature to delay or even avoid the conversation. The longer you leave it though, the more challenging actually having the conversation becomes.

Join this webinar to learn about the sort of crucial conversations we may need to have and why it’s important to act early. The aim is then to provide ideas and tips to help you better prepare for and handle a crucial conversation well and with confidence – whether online or in person. Some eLearning resources for you to further your learning on the topic will be shared after the session.

Thu 14
Leadership Essentials new (1 of 2) Finished 13:30 - 17:00 N/A - MS Teams

Leadership Essentials is a key programme suitable for those with responsibilities for others’ work, behaviour and development, which aims to help managers refresh and build their skills and experience in this area. As well as clarifying key responsibilities, it focuses on critical areas that some can find more difficult, such as giving and receiving feedback effectively and handling challenging conversations. The programme incorporates tutor input; opportunities for discussion, reflection and sharing of good practice with others with similar responsibilities. It also includes curated e-learning resources to support managers with their ongoing learning and development.

Participants are required to attend both half day sessions.

Before attending, please take some time to review the short Leadership Essentials: Management Responsibilities Films of other University colleagues talking about their role as a manager.

Fri 15
Introduction to Mentoring: for Mentors and Mentees Finished 09:30 - 13:00 N/A - PPD Zoom (Internal Ref:Standard)

Mentoring can be a really useful tool in helping people to develop their professional lives and careers, in both roles of mentor and mentee.

This interactive workshop is designed to give an overview and introduction to mentoring, informing participants about what mentoring is, giving them the opportunity to explore the key benefits for mentors and mentees, learn some key skills needed to both mentor and be mentored effectively and become familiar with some simple models, tools and techniques to support the mentoring partnership and maximise its value and impact.

Tue 19
Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 09:30 - 10:30 N/A - MS Teams

Communicating clearly and being engaging can be challenging in any work environment. Doing so remotely can be even more difficult. This session will provide you with constructive feedback and tips to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, make ‘screen time’ feel more ‘face-to-face’ and address any concerns you may have about your communication skills. Coaching will “zoom in” on the areas you need to focus on, from how you come across onscreen to how to shape and deliver an interesting and effective presentation. Get ‘ready for your close-up’ and feel confident the next time you press “Join Meeting”!

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 10:30 - 11:30 N/A - MS Teams

Communicating clearly and being engaging can be challenging in any work environment. Doing so remotely can be even more difficult. This session will provide you with constructive feedback and tips to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, make ‘screen time’ feel more ‘face-to-face’ and address any concerns you may have about your communication skills. Coaching will “zoom in” on the areas you need to focus on, from how you come across onscreen to how to shape and deliver an interesting and effective presentation. Get ‘ready for your close-up’ and feel confident the next time you press “Join Meeting”!

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) CANCELLED 11:30 - 12:30 N/A - MS Teams

Communicating clearly and being engaging can be challenging in any work environment. Doing so remotely can be even more difficult. This session will provide you with constructive feedback and tips to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, make ‘screen time’ feel more ‘face-to-face’ and address any concerns you may have about your communication skills. Coaching will “zoom in” on the areas you need to focus on, from how you come across onscreen to how to shape and deliver an interesting and effective presentation. Get ‘ready for your close-up’ and feel confident the next time you press “Join Meeting”!

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Leadership Programme Briefing Session: Managing the University Estate POSTPONED 13:30 - 14:30 N/A - PPD Zoom (Internal Ref:Standard)

The new Director of Estates Operations will discuss the current issues in managing the University Estate including responding to Covid19.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 13:30 - 14:30 N/A - MS Teams

Communicating clearly and being engaging can be challenging in any work environment. Doing so remotely can be even more difficult. This session will provide you with constructive feedback and tips to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, make ‘screen time’ feel more ‘face-to-face’ and address any concerns you may have about your communication skills. Coaching will “zoom in” on the areas you need to focus on, from how you come across onscreen to how to shape and deliver an interesting and effective presentation. Get ‘ready for your close-up’ and feel confident the next time you press “Join Meeting”!

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 14:30 - 15:30 N/A - MS Teams

Communicating clearly and being engaging can be challenging in any work environment. Doing so remotely can be even more difficult. This session will provide you with constructive feedback and tips to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, make ‘screen time’ feel more ‘face-to-face’ and address any concerns you may have about your communication skills. Coaching will “zoom in” on the areas you need to focus on, from how you come across onscreen to how to shape and deliver an interesting and effective presentation. Get ‘ready for your close-up’ and feel confident the next time you press “Join Meeting”!

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Presentation Skills Coaching: Making an Impact (One-to-One) Finished 15:30 - 16:30 N/A - MS Teams

Communicating clearly and being engaging can be challenging in any work environment. Doing so remotely can be even more difficult. This session will provide you with constructive feedback and tips to refine your speaking style, increase your personal impact, make ‘screen time’ feel more ‘face-to-face’ and address any concerns you may have about your communication skills. Coaching will “zoom in” on the areas you need to focus on, from how you come across onscreen to how to shape and deliver an interesting and effective presentation. Get ‘ready for your close-up’ and feel confident the next time you press “Join Meeting”!

You may find it useful to have completed the Presentation Skills online module before attending the session.

It is possible to use this booking page to book one follow-up session for additional support. The trainer will advise when this may be helpful. Please only book one session at a time.

Wed 20
Associate Project Manager Apprenticeship Webinar Finished 14:00 - 15:00 N/A - MS Teams

A webinar providing information on the level 4 Associate Project Manager Apprenticeship (duration 13months) presented by Glen Suttie of Provek, who are Project Management Training specialists and will deliver this apprenticeship.

Aimed at developing the skills required to run successful projects. This programme consists of 6 modules, each of which have a 1x day workshop training included. You will also sit the Association for Project Management (APM) Project Management Qualification (PMQ) exam and will be externally assessed to achieve the Level 4 Associate Project Manager apprenticeship standard.

The purpose of the webinar will be to provide you with an overview of the programme, and give you the opportunity to ask any questions.

A link to the webinar will be sent with the joining instruction when your booking is confirmed.

Thu 21
Recruitment and Selection Skills Finished 09:15 - 13:30 N/A - PPD Zoom (Internal Ref:Standard)

Recommended for those responsible for the recruitment and selection of staff, who are interested in developing further skills in this area. This course prepares you to effectively carry out the recruitment and selection process taking you through the stages of producing a person specification, short listing effectively against selection criteria, designing questions, structuring and conducting interviews, and making the final decision. University policies and procedures will also be covered.

Wed 27
Leadership Essentials new (2 of 2) Finished 13:30 - 17:00 N/A - MS Teams

Leadership Essentials is a key programme suitable for those with responsibilities for others’ work, behaviour and development, which aims to help managers refresh and build their skills and experience in this area. As well as clarifying key responsibilities, it focuses on critical areas that some can find more difficult, such as giving and receiving feedback effectively and handling challenging conversations. The programme incorporates tutor input; opportunities for discussion, reflection and sharing of good practice with others with similar responsibilities. It also includes curated e-learning resources to support managers with their ongoing learning and development.

Participants are required to attend both half day sessions.

Before attending, please take some time to review the short Leadership Essentials: Management Responsibilities Films of other University colleagues talking about their role as a manager.

Thu 28

Whether working in a research, teaching or professional service area, SRD (or appraisal) provides the opportunity for individuals to engage in constructive discussion with their supervisors, managers or academic/research colleagues about current and future work and their personal and career development. This webinar aims to clarify the overall purpose and outcomes of SRD and consider what you can do to help ensure an effective discussion.

February 2021

Wed 3
MBTI: Understanding Personality Finished 09:30 - 13:00 N/A - PPD Zoom (Internal Ref:App)

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most widely used personality instrument worldwide, based on over 50 years’ research and development.

It presents a framework for understanding how you operate, how others operate, and how you can use that understanding to get more from yourself and the relationships you have with others.

This workshop is led by a qualified MBTI practitioner and will involve taking the MBTI questionnaire, investigating the four areas of preference covered by MBTI, self-assessment of type with group exercises, looking at your best fit type and investigating how it could help you at work.

Learning about your personality type can help you to understand your role within your team and the role of others. It can also help you to cope with organisational change, deal with stress effectively and develop your emotional intelligence.

Apprenticeship Network Meeting Finished 12:00 - 13:00 N/A - MS Teams

A network meeting for university staff interested in establishing an apprenticeship under the Apprenticeship Levy to share questions, experiences and advice.

Mon 8
How to be an Active Bystander at Work new Finished 11:00 - 12:15 N/A - MS Teams

Have you ever been concerned about a situation and wanted to help, but didn't? Hearing a racist/sexist/homophobic joke in the tea room? Seeing an inappropriate touch of a friend? Watching a colleague wince at being belittled or interrupted in a team meeting? You're not alone, this is more common for many of us than you might think.

Come along to this short session to find out why this happens and what it means to be an active bystander. This includes simple changes and actions you can take to support others around you without confrontation and, over time, support a more inclusive environment for all of us to live and work in.

Tue 9
Leading Your Team Through Change (1 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 12:30 N/A - PPD Zoom (Internal Ref:Standard)

Change is a constant feature in today’s workplace and yet many of us find it hard to navigate successfully through change.

Studies show that the line manager has a critical role to play in ensuring staff are ready for change and in successfully implementing it. These sessions will equip you with the skills and attitudes you need to guide, support and motivate your team through the process of change.

Case studies, discussion and activities will provide the opportunity to share ideas and embed skills.

Thu 11
Apprenticeships – Maximising the Opportunities new Finished 14:00 - 15:00 N/A - MS Teams

Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week 2021!

Are you interested in apprenticeship programmes but would like to know more? Do you want to find out how to make them work for you or your department? Or maybe you have a specific question that you need to ask?

This webinar is for you, hosted by Apprenticeship Manager Colin Long who will be available to help you with apprenticeships and answer your burning questions. How do I put existing staff on apprenticeships? Or, how should I deal with the 20% off-the-job requirement? How are apprenticeships funded?

Apprenticeships can help people of all ages and at all levels, including post graduate qualifications, to gain the skills and knowledge they need for a rewarding career.

A link to the webinar will be sent with the joining instructions when your booking is confirmed.

Tue 23
Leading Your Team Through Change (2 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 12:30 N/A - PPD Zoom (Internal Ref:Standard)

Change is a constant feature in today’s workplace and yet many of us find it hard to navigate successfully through change.

Studies show that the line manager has a critical role to play in ensuring staff are ready for change and in successfully implementing it. These sessions will equip you with the skills and attitudes you need to guide, support and motivate your team through the process of change.

Case studies, discussion and activities will provide the opportunity to share ideas and embed skills.

Wed 24
Leadership Essentials new (1 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 13:00 N/A - MS Teams

Leadership Essentials is a key programme suitable for those with responsibilities for others’ work, behaviour and development, which aims to help managers refresh and build their skills and experience in this area. As well as clarifying key responsibilities, it focuses on critical areas that some can find more difficult, such as giving and receiving feedback effectively and handling challenging conversations. The programme incorporates tutor input; opportunities for discussion, reflection and sharing of good practice with others with similar responsibilities. It also includes curated e-learning resources to support managers with their ongoing learning and development.

Participants are required to attend both half day sessions.

Before attending, please take some time to review the short Leadership Essentials: Management Responsibilities Films of other University colleagues talking about their role as a manager.

Property Maintenance Operative Apprenticeship Webinar Finished 14:00 - 15:00 N/A - MS Teams

During this period, PPD is keen to continue to promote development opportunities for University staff. This information webinar will help you to identify if you wish to progress your development by way of an Apprenticeship.

We are looking to explore what interest there is at this current time in the Property maintenance operative Level 2 apprenticeship and hope that there will be sufficient interest to establish a University-wide cohort. By establishing University-wide cohorts, we are looking to encourage more departments to use apprenticeships as a way to provide focused professional development for staff. Any participants will also have the advantage of a peer group to work through the programme with.

The webinar will be presented by West Suffolk College, who will deliver this apprenticeship.

The primary role of a Property Maintenance Operative is to optimise property condition and quality and to ensure that buildings are kept in a safe working condition. Property Maintenance Operatives need to maintain a high level of quality, providing maximum satisfaction to customers, clients, guests and team. They will understand the mechanism of buildings including electrical, plumbing, plant, safety systems and equipment. They will provide first and immediate response to fault finding, whilst maximising quality and ensuring cost effectiveness. They will ensure prevention of major damage that could result in extensive costs and minimise reactive intervention.