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All Change and Programme Management Office courses

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Showing courses 51-75 of 127
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A presentation designed to offer an insight into apprenticeships, what they are, how they’re funded and how a potential learner, or recruiting manager, can take full advantage of the opportunities and benefits that they offer, educationally and financially.

If you have any burning questions about apprenticeships, for yourself or as a recruiting manager, this is the session for you.

Confidence is one the skills that helps us to overcome the challenges and constraints that come our way as part of a squiggly career. Increasing our confidence gives us the belief to make the most of opportunities and be curious and ambitious about where our careers can take us.

Join bestselling author and podcaster Sarah Ellis from Amazing If in this career programme as we discuss how you can cage your confidence gremlins (the limiting beliefs that hold us back).

Learning at Work Week - Career Crafting Wed 15 May 2024   10:00 Finished

An interactive and thought provoking session about exploring ways to shape your job into the career you love.

A notebook and a pen are required. Be prepared to participate, reflect and note things down.

Learning at Work Week - Creating a Lean Habit new Thu 20 May 2021   13:30 Finished

During this interactive session the ourcambridge Simplifying our Processes team will look at how habits can be established and how this can be applied to Lean tools and techniques, so helping to embed Continuous Improvement across the University.

Learning at Work Week - Five Ways to Wellbeing Tue 14 May 2024   14:00 Finished

The Five Ways to Wellbeing is an evidence-based framework of actions we can all take to improve our wellbeing. Find out what they are and come away with five (or more!) small actions you are going to take for your own wellbeing.

Bring along a way to jot down the actions you will commit to.

Learning at Work Week - Introduction to Mentoring Mon 13 May 2024   09:30 Finished

Find out what mentoring is (and isn't!), it's benefits, and where to look for a mentor or mentee.

A practical session where you will learn to crochet a Granny Square. Once you know the humble Granny Square you can make numerous projects - more than just blankets!

If you have a crochet hook and yarn please bring it with you on the day, if not materials will be provided. No previous experience or knowledge necessary.

One of the most important parts of a manager’s role is to support the development of others. This sounds like it should be easy but it can be trickier than it sounds. Come along and listen to some experienced managers discussing how they motivate and develop their teams.

Many of us struggle with having potentially difficult conversations whether because of the fear of ‘getting it wrong’ or not knowing how to approach a situation objectively and with care. This sometimes results in issues not being addressed, which in turn can be detrimental to the individual, the team and, ultimately, the organisation. This practical 90-minute session aims to provide the structure, tools and tips to improve their skills to manage challenging conversations.

Be prepared to participate in Breakout Rooms.

Micro-coaching is a short, focused conversation using coaching skills. It can help us to generate insights and identify next steps with a specific opportunity or challenge. Micro-coaching is enriched by identifying how we want to feel in these specific situations, leading to better performance and wellbeing. This will be an interactive and future-focused workshop, and will include a guided micro-coaching activity where you will each use a deck of cards.

In this workshop, you will experience a guided micro-coaching activity to identify how you can make progress with an opportunity or challenge in an upcoming conversation or meeting that is important to you. We will each use the physical Emotional Culture Deck, which is an engaging and effective tool that takes a future-focused approach. The micro-coaching activity will include guided individual reflection and confidential paired conversations. By the end of the workshop, you will have generated ideas for practical next steps to get closer to your desired outcomes in your upcoming conversation or meeting. You will also have identified some effective coaching questions that you can use on your own, or with others, at work. We will use Slido and small group conversations to share insights. You are invited to come to this experiential and interactive workshop with an upcoming conversation or meeting in mind. This workshop will be a safe and confidential space; you are invited to contribute, and to share only what you feel comfortable with.

  • Slido is an easy-to-use audience engagement tool that you can access via your mobile phone browser. It does not require downloads or registration. Please bring your mobile phone to access Slido in the session.

Note: there is also a 60-minute session via MS Teams on Tuesday 14th May if you would prefer a shorter virtual experience of micro-coaching, using a shared digital version of the Emotional Culture Deck.

About the facilitator: Sonali Kumarakulasinghe is a Coach, Facilitator and Consultant. She takes a Solution Focused approach and her coaching style is informal, focused and appreciative. Sonali has an MSc in Organisational Behaviour (Psychology) and she is a Certified Practitioner with the Emotional Culture Deck."

Micro-coaching is a short, focused conversation using coaching skills. It can help us to generate insights and identify next steps with a specific opportunity or challenge. Micro-coaching is enriched by identifying how we want to feel in these specific situations, leading to better performance and wellbeing. This will be an interactive and future-focused session, and will include a short, guided micro-coaching activity using a shared digital version of a card deck.

In this session, you will experience a short, guided micro-coaching activity to identify how you can make progress with an opportunity or challenge in an upcoming conversation or meeting that is important to you. We will use a shared digital version of the Emotional Culture Deck, an effective tool that takes a future-focused approach. The micro-coaching activity will consist of a short guided individual reflection. By the end of the activity, you will have generated ideas for practical next steps to get closer to your desired outcomes in your upcoming conversation or meeting. We will use Slido and short breakout groups to share general insights. You are invited to come to this interactive session with an upcoming conversation or meeting in mind. This session will be a safe and confidential space; you are invited to contribute, and to share only what you feel comfortable with.

  • Slido is an easy-to-use audience engagement tool that you can access via your mobile phone browser. It does not require downloads or registration. Please bring your mobile phone to access Slido in the session.

Note: there are also 90-minute, in-person workshops on Monday 13th May if you would prefer a richer, hands-on experience of micro-coaching using the physical Emotional Culture Deck.

About the facilitator: Sonali Kumarakulasinghe is a Coach, Facilitator and Consultant. She takes a Solution Focused approach and her coaching style is informal, focused and appreciative. Sonali has an MSc in Organisational Behaviour (Psychology) and she is a Certified Practitioner with the Emotional Culture Deck."

The panel discussion on 'Developing Your Emotional Intelligence' offers participants invaluable insights and practical strategies from a diverse array of leaders, cultivating essential skills in self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication crucial for both personal and professional advancement.

Learning at Work Week - Self Coaching Wed 15 May 2024   14:30 Finished

Self-coaching for personal and professional growth empowers participants with vital skills and tools to proactively navigate their development journey with purpose and effectiveness.

Learning at Work Week - SuperSTAR Interview Skills Fri 17 May 2024   11:00 Finished

An interactive session exploring ways in which you can prepare yourself for interviews, considering both the practical and the mental preparation to help you achieve the best possible interview you could have.

Be prepared to participate in breakout rooms.

An interactive session to signpost some of the many training and development options open to you and some options to consider reflecting on your career and progress.

A Q+A session will be held at the end for any specific queries.

Find out about a day in a Muslim's life and how the prayer is not only a pivotol part but a lot more than that!

Learning at Work Week - The Power of Failure Thu 16 May 2024   10:00 Finished

Looking at how to turn failure into a positive rather than a negative. Discover the genuine benefits of failure. Guidance and techniques to show how to identify failure early and understand it.

Let's Talk about Menopause with Henpicked new Thu 4 Jul 2024   12:30 Finished

Join Holly Edwards from Henpicked for an interactive webinar on the topic of Menopause.

Menopause can have an effect on us all, whether we're experiencing menopause directly or supporting a family member, friend or colleague. While some will sail through menopause, 3 in 4 experience symptoms and as many as 1 in 4 have serious symptoms. However, around half have never consulted a healthcare professional about their menopause.

Research also shows that the majority of those experiencing the menopause are unwilling to discuss menopause-related health problems with their managers or ask for any support they may need. We are passionate about the wellbeing of our partners, team colleagues or family members and that means talking about menopause openly.

For any further questions, please contact the Staff Wellbeing Team

LiL: Mentoring new Self-taught Booking not required

A curated learning path on key skills for Mentoring (both for Mentors and Mentees). This Learning Path was created originally for the UIS Mentoring Scheme, but has kindly been made available for us all.

For more resources see the University of Cambridge's LinkedIn Learning Hub.

The course can be accessed here.

LiL: Remote Working Self-taught Booking not required

A curated learning path on working remotely. For more resources see the University of Cambridge's LinkedIn Learning Hub.

The course can be accessed here.

Discussion Topic: Discussing the difficult stuff: facing up to challenging conversations

This series follows on from the very popular first series held from April-July 2021. These informal drop-in sessions are designed to provide both new and more experienced leaders and managers, across all staff groups, with a safe space to share practice and discuss some of the challenges that can arise when supporting others to develop and strengthen their performance. Each session will start an hour of Q&A and discussion with a panel of experienced managers drawn from across the University. This will be followed by half an hour of small group discussion to allow participants the opportunity to meet other managers and share practice, in a smaller, more intimate setting. Those wishing to leave after the first hour and not stay on for final half hour in break out rooms, are free to do so. The format of the sessions is designed to facilitate peer support and learning. The sessions are not training sessions, although recommendations for training and other resources will be provided.

Comments from Series 1 participants: “I am loving all of these sessions and am so happy to have discovered a platform where ‘it all makes sense’” “It’s lovely to convene a group of people interested in leadership and developing their skills in this area.” “I intend to participate in as many sessions as I can because this forum gives a focused approach on developing leadership skills that are expected within the University. I had been looking for some sort of a planned approach to this and am really glad I found this.”


Ken Billington - HR Adviser, School of Technology

Bruce Daniels - Administration and Operations Manager, Gurdon Institute

Emma Marron - Head of HR Shared Services, Human Resources Division

Questions we will consider during the session

1. What’s the most difficult conversation that you have had to have as a manager?

2. Was it as bad as you thought it was going to be?

3. Why do you think we avoid these conversations?

4. What can be the consequences of avoiding a difficult conversation?

5. How do you prepare for a meeting like this, both practically and mentally?

6. What mistakes have you made in the past, when trying to do this?

7. What approaches have you developed that you find work well?

8. What advice would you give to another manager who was dreading a difficult conversation?

9. How do you decompress after a meeting like this and ensure that your well-being is not impacted?

Managing digital distractions when remote working new Tue 27 Apr 2021   11:00 Finished

Are we more distracted these days? We often find ourselves multi-tasking and juggling multiple digital tasks and distractions during the course of our everyday work and lives. So how can we create positive digital habits that allow us to focus and make the best of our time on screen?

Questions to think about before this session:

  • What are your biggest digital distractions?
  • What do you wish you had more time to do during the course of the day?

These events are sponsored by ourcambridge and UIS as part of the Digital Workplace Programme

Meet a Mentor new Thu 5 Sep 2024   10:00   [More dates...] [Places]

This interactive session aims to support our mentees to find a mentor. A selection of our currently available mentors will introduce themselves and share a little bit about their background, knowledge, and experience. It offers the opportunity for mentees to get to know some of our available mentors and consider whether they may be a good potential match. There will then be time for questions so that you can consider which potential mentors could best support your growth, learning, and career development.

Please take advantage of this chance to connect with mentors willing to share their experiences and assist you in achieving your goals. Sign up now and start your mentorship journey!

1 other event...

Date Availability
Thu 5 Dec 2024 10:00 [Places]
Mental Health Introduction new Tue 9 Jul 2024   12:30 Finished

Join Claire Harris from Mental Health First Aid England for an interactive webinar on a Mental Health Introduction. This one-hour mental health workshop has been specifically developed for the workplace and is aimed at staff at all levels. The webinar encourages you to start think about mental health and how it can impact you in the workplace.

The aim is to encourage a supportive culture by sharing tips for how to spot if a colleague is struggling and how to start a wellbeing conversation.

Nurturing a Lean Habit Wed 30 Mar 2022   14:00 Finished

During this interactive session the ourcambridge Simplifying our Processes team will look at how habits can be established and how this can be applied to Lean tools and techniques, so helping to embed Continuous Improvement across the University. We will then discuss the impact that this could have on wellbeing.

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