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All Change and Programme Management Office courses

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Ourcambridge offer a wide range of opportunities for professional services employees wishing to develop their confidence and skills, and broaden their networks. At this session, we will provide an overview of the opportunities we offer to support your career development and information about how you can access these. The session will cover:

  • Prioritising your personal development – what to consider and making the most of the SRD process
  • Developing your Digital Skills – learn more about recent exciting developments in this area, including the new JISC self-assessment tool to review your digital skills
  • Lean Practitioner training and certification – how might this support you in your role and what skills will it support you to develop?
  • Communities of Practice – what are they and how can you join one to meet others working in similar areas?
  • The Self-Match Mentoring Scheme – why you should find a mentor or how you can become one to others
  • Speed mentoring – for those who are short of time but would still welcome a bit of extra support and advice
  • Becoming an ourcambridge champion – what does this involve and how might it benefit your career development?
ourcambridge Champion Christmas Event new Wed 16 Dec 2020   13:30 Finished

Join is for an afternoon of Christmas activities, designed to share information and enable networking amongst champions

ourcambridge champion engagement session new Fri 28 Aug 2020   14:00 CANCELLED

Join us for an informal session where you can have your say about getting the most of being an ourcambridge champion and help shape the future of the ourcambridge programme. You will take part in a facilitated conversation by a member of the ourcambridge team.

ourcambridge champions MS Teams workshop new Fri 16 Oct 2020   15:00 Finished

An interactive workshop to determine the format and structure of the ourcambridge champions MS Teams group, including channels.

The workshop will be facilitated by a member of the ourcambridge team.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please do not sign up to this workshop if you are booked to attend the session on Tuesday 13th October

Have you ever wondered how senior managers balance demanding job roles and extensive workloads? The ourcambridge team have brought together an experienced panel of senior managers who are happy to share an honest insight into the realities of their workload management. The session will include the opportunity to ask questions to the panel and provide some top tips and interesting reflections.


  • Emma Rampton, Registrary
  • Professor Anna Vignoles, Professor of Education, Faculty of Education
  • Dr Nick Bampos, Deputy Head of Department, Department of Chemistry
  • Dr Karen Kennedy, Director of Strategic Partnerships Office


Jenny Rampling, Senior Programme Co-ordinator, ourcambridge

Speakers: Joanne Bishenden and Ian Matthias from PA Consulting Title: ourcambridge seminar: Engaging with Academics Effectively Wednesday 24 July 3-4pm Faculty of Classics, Lecture Theatre 1.02, Sidgwick Site

ourcambridge – Supporting Our Staff new Tue 23 Jun 2020   13:00 Finished

The ourcambridge team are involved in a number of projects that aim to improve staff wellbeing and recognise the critical contribution that professional services staff make to the University. This session will provide an overview of the ourcambridge programme, how our projects aim to support staff and highlight the ways professional services staff can get involved.


  • Rachel Machon, Head of HR for ourcambridge and Supporting Our Staff Lead
  • Jenny Rampling - Senior Programme Coordinator
  • Claire Brind - Senior Programme Coordinator
  • Freya Villis - Senior Programme Coordinator
  • Dr Fatima Baldo - Professional Services Graduate Trainee
ourcambridge Values Focus Group new Mon 23 Nov 2020   10:00 Finished

Over the past year, ourcambridge has worked with professional services staff from across the University to develop a set of core values that underpin the way we work. The values that you chose together were: Trust, Respect, Integrity and Collaboration. Embedding these as part of our culture means truly living them in the way in the way we work, through our actions and behaviours.

This focus group provides the opportunity for you to share your ideas for practical ways in which we can bring these values to life in our daily work. We will discuss the types of initiatives, tools and resources that individuals, managers, and teams may find most useful for promoting and embedding these new values. The focus group will be formed of 6 colleagues using Microsoft Teams.

The sessions will be led by Fatima Baldo, Jenny Rampling and Freya Villis, Senior Programme Co-ordinators

This peer support session offers you the opportunity to meet other mentees on the self-match mentoring programme. The session will be lightly facilitated by Ceren Caser, a longstanding and enthusiastic member of the programme and member of the mentoring project team. It is a short, informal session designed to offer mentees the chance to share their experiences and talk over any challenges they may be having. Talking to others can help to motivate you and keep you on track towards your goals, so that you can get the most out of your mentoring relationship. It is also a great way for you to network with others in the University.

PG Masters Courses CoP Summer Event new Tue 14 May 2024   10:00 Finished

Join the Post Graduate Masters community for their summer event. The session will kick off with an opportunity for members to share their experience and thoughts on assessments - what types of assessment are used, what is working well and what isn’t.

The second part of the event will explore the future of the CoP, including reflections from the current CoP team, an introduction to the new Teaching & Learning CoP, and a discussion on the future of the CoP.

Join us for the second Project Management Community of Practice Café Event focussed on: How important do you think it is to define roles and responsibilities?

These events will provide you with the opportunity to network with fellow CoP members in an informal breakout room format. Each session will start with an opening question, in this instance: How important do you think it is to define roles and responsibilities?, which you will have the opportunity to discuss in informal small groups.

They provide the space and opportunity to share knowledge, experience and answer questions in a safe and supportive environment.

PM CoP Topic Talk: Frameworks and Methodologies new Tue 10 May 2022   12:00 Finished

Join us for the inaugural Project Management Community of Practice Topic Talk on frameworks and methodologies - the most popular area of discussion in the scoping survey.

The panel discussion will provide you with an opportunity to hear from colleagues working in project management across the University. Panellists will discuss which frameworks and methodologies they have used when managing projects, and provide real world examples of how these have been implemented within the University context.


  • Katrina West - Business Improvement Manager (PG Funding Project), Cambridge Admissions Office
  • Claire Michel - Medicine & Veterinary Medicine Curriculum Review Manager, Office of the School of Biological Sciences
  • Mark Rowland - Head of Delivery Management Office, University Information Services

This will be followed by time to ask questions to panel members in a safe and supportive environment.

Practicing digital self-care for ourselves and others new Tue 29 Jun 2021   10:00 Finished

In this session we will explore the diverse ways in which we engage with the online world, and discuss mental and emotional health in the context of the different digital cultures we live in: social media, video streaming, and work collaboration platforms, among others. The concept of being Digitally Well will be introduced as a way of differentiating between digital habits that are humane and nourishing and those that are harmful and depleting, with a particular emphasis on emotional regulation and body awareness practices.

Questions to think about before this session:

· What are your most and least favourite online activities, and what emotional impact do they have on you?

· What online activities do you tend to seek out when you are experiencing difficult emotions?

About the Trainer

Teodora Pavkovic is an external trainer who will be leading the course. She is a psychologist, parenting coach and digital wellness consultant who utilizes the principles of emotional intelligence, neuroscience and positive psychology to inform and improve digital wellness for individuals, families and organizations. She conducts one-on-one coaching with children and adults, facilitates talks and workshops with educators and corporates, consults with a variety of for- and non-profit organizations and speaks on expert panels and at international conferences. As a certified digital wellness educator and member of both the British and American Psychological Associations, as well as co-chair of the parenting professionals group of the Children's Screen-Time Action Network and advisory board member of several educational and mental health organizations, Teodora is committed to helping individuals and groups preserve and protect their wellbeing and relationships in this increasingly digital world.

These events are sponsored by HR, ourcambridge and UIS as part of the Digital Workplace and Cambridge Works Programmes.

This is an interactive session designed to support you if you are coming to the end of a fixed term contract, so that you can feel more confident and positive about managing this significant period of change. We will start with introductions to allow you to get to know each other and share a little about your current situation and any particular challenges you are facing, then go on to discuss how you can manage the upcoming changes, and signpost you towards help and support that is available.

Process Mapping and Analysis Self-taught Booking not required

A short course explaining how we identify, map and analyse business processes at the University of Cambridge

Professional Services Awards 2021 new Tue 14 Dec 2021   15:00 Finished

The Professional Services Recognition Awards aim to recognise, highlight and celebrate the very best work across all professional service areas in the University. In September, colleagues were invited to nominate individuals and teams that they believed had made a difference to them, their team, and/or to the wider University in the academic year 2020-21. They were asked to nominate under the categories listed below, all of which reflect the Professional Services Values of trust, respect, integrity and collaboration. The awards aim to recognise those colleagues who have truly demonstrated these values in their day to day work.

Award Categories

· Innovating and Improving: Congratulating those who have innovatively and effectively improved or simplified a system or process, and in doing so have made it more efficient.

· Being kind to colleagues: Thanking those who have shown kindness and compassion for their colleagues, whether that is supporting them with a piece of work, or simply in day-to-day interactions.

· Going above and beyond: Appreciating those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty, been flexible and adaptable in order to solve an unexpected problem, showing resilience and agility.

· Creating an inclusive community: Rewarding those who have helped to create an inclusive environment for all, by showing a high level of courtesy for, and trust in others.

· Working as a team: Celebrating those who have worked collaboratively with others, either within or across disciplinary or departmental borders, to get something done.

· Being an Unsung Hero: Recognising those who have quietly gone about their daily work and might otherwise go unnoticed, but who make a real difference to their team, department and/or the wider University.

The Project Management Community of Practice brings you project management topics in bite sized chunks. Listen to your colleagues from across Collegiate Cambridge discuss all things project management. Click the links below to listen to the podcast:

Podcast 1: Meet the Core Group - Hosted by Ellie Wolmark from the CRUK Cambridge Centre, the Core Team tell you who they are, what their role is and discuss why they joined the CoP.

Podcast 2: Interesting Routes into Project Management part 1 - There is no one route into project management. Tori Helmer and Heather Biggs tell us their stories and give insights into their career journeys.

Podcast 3: Interesting Routes into Project Management part 2 - The second part of this podcast features Bethan Everson and Katie Light telling their stories.

Podcast 4: An Introduction to Communications - Katie Edwards and Craig Brierley give a fantastic overview of what comms entails, and how you can use it within a project for maximum impact.

Podcast 5: An Introduction to Stakeholder Management - Greg Strachan and Sally Measures give their take on Stakeholder Management within a project.

Podcast 6: An introduction to Retrospectives - Holly Cox and Signe Jensen talk about what retrospectives mean within project management.

Podcast 7: Data Management - Carrie Brennan talks about data management within a project.

A 45-minute informal session, with the aim of building meaningful relationships, sharing knowledge, and supporting one another's growth and success in the world of project and programme management across the University of Cambridge.

  • Engaging in thought-provoking discussions
  • Sharing your best practices, tips, and success stories to inspire others
  • Asking for advice in a collaborative atmosphere

All while meeting new people and forging new connections!

This session will consist of three concurrent “ask me anything” sessions, where you can ask members of the Project Management CoP Core Group their advice on:

  • Creating dashboards from numerous Word and Excel files,
  • Organising largescale events, and
  • Resource planning

With discussion to follow.

This session will take place virtually, 12:15-13:00.

Look forward to seeing you there!

2 other events...

Date Availability
Thu 4 Jul 2024 12:30 In progress
Wed 23 Oct 2024 12:15 [Places]

Reimagining Professional Services (RPS) is one of 13 projects which make up the University’s Recovery Plan. Join us for an informal question and answer session on RPS with Academic Secretary, Mike Glover.

The session follows Issue Two of The Cat’s Whiskers, the exclusive vlog for ourcambridge champions, in which Mike Glover talks to Kate Maxwell and Rachel Machon about RPS and his hopes for the future.

Reimagining Professional Services Workshop Tue 3 Nov 2020   12:30 Finished

The workshop is part of the first stage of the ‘Reimagining Professional Services’ programme where we will discuss what is working well for staff, and where there is room for improvement, for the benefit of the collegiate University.

Respect for People - Improving your Personal Wellbeing Tue 14 May 2024   13:00 Finished

In a world where there is never enough time and we are juggling multiple priorities, this session will explore ways in which to identify areas in our lives that we need to improve and utilise the Lotus Blossom tool to generate ideas for making that improvement happen. Lotus Blossom provides a useful tool at all stages of the continuous improvement cycle whether it is used to find the root cause of a problem or to generate ideas to overcome that problem. In this session, we will demonstrate how it can be used to address more personal areas for improvement.

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it" - William Arthur Ward

We all like to feel appreciated but how often do we take the time to say thank you and praise a colleague for a job well done? From a University perspective, recognition and appreciation are vital: they create a positive working environment, motivate people, make them feel valued, help them to see the purpose and importance of their work, and improve performance by reinforcing positive behaviours and embedding values.

We are offering this session to provide an opportunity for colleagues to share ideas and approaches for recognising and appreciating the contribution of others. Colleagues from departments who have launched their own recognition initiatives will be invited to share their experiences.

In this session we will look at how creating a strong professional presence or ‘brand’ can help you achieve your career goals. You will learn some top tips for enhancing your profile, together with strategies for developing behaviours that will help you stand out from the crowd and open up opportunities.

Communication is an important part of any mentoring relationship. The key skills of active listening and asking good questions can make a real positive contribution to its success. Come and get some practical advice and learn some useful tips from two experts. The session is equally relevant to both mentors and mentees.

We will begin by considering together how it feels to receive feedback and will then go on to consider the skills and techniques needed to give feedback well.

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