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Mon 15 May 2017
14:00 - 16:00

Venue: Titan Teaching Room 2, New Museums Site

Provided by: University Information Services - Digital Literacy Skills


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Mendeley: Introduction to a Reference Management Program (Self-paced)

Mon 15 May 2017


Mendeley is a free, open source reference management program. It was originally primarily intended as a way to manage collections of PDF documents and this is still its main strength in comparison with other tools such as EndNote and Zotero.

Mendeley can be used to insert reference citations and a bibliography of cited references into Word and Open Office documents and may be of interest to anyone wanting a free reference management program which will create BibTeX citation keys and paste them into a LaTeX document.

This is a basic introductory course and probably will not be very useful to those who are already using the program and who have specific queries about the way it works.

Users who need help with more advanced features can request individual help via the UIS service desk email:

Target audience
  • All current University members (departments and colleges)
  • Further details regarding eligibility criteria are available

Familiarity with the use of Firefox and either Word, Open Office or LaTeX


Number of sessions: 1

# Date Time Venue Trainer
1 Mon 15 May 2017   14:00 - 16:00 14:00 - 16:00 Titan Teaching Room 2, New Museums Site map Rosemary Rodd
Topics covered
  • Creating database of references
  • Using the database to cite into a document

Self-paced from detailed notes with advisor available to help with any problems and a brief introductory talk

Taught using

Mendeley v. 1.11 on MCS Windows


One session of two hours




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