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University Information Services - Staff Learning & Development course timetable


Tue 15 Dec 2020 – Tue 29 Jun 2021

Now Today

[ No events on Tue 15 Dec 2020 ]

January 2021

Wed 27
TechLink Community: Cloud & Hybrid Backup - Phoenix Software / Bridge Fibre new Finished 14:15 - 16:15 UIS Online Courses - instructor-led

Since cloud-based services do not always guarantee long-term retention for all data, and like all systems are not immune to outages and downtime, backup is still a requirement to reduce risks of data loss. This session will review backing-up one cloud to a different cloud system, and/or to a local storage system, for disaster recovery or business continuity.

February 2021

Wed 3

In collaboration with UIS and ourcambridge, a series of drop in sessions has been designed to provide reviewees and reviewers with the opportunity to share best practice with others and to discuss some of the challenges around holding good SRD conversations and how they can be overcome. They are entirely optional and you can attend as many or as few as you would like. The sessions will be interactive and focus around key discussion topics. For some sessions, we may contact you and ask you to watch a short 5-10 minute film beforehand.


  • Setting Objectives (for both reviewers and reviewees) Wednesday 3 February 11:30- 12:30
  • Staff wellbeing (for both reviewers and reviewees) Wednesday 10 February 14:00 -15:00
  • Leading by Coaching style/ ask questions (reviewers only) Thursday 18 February 10:00 -11:00
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback(for both reviewers and reviewees) Thursday 4 March 11:00- 12:00
  • Effective 1:1's (for both reviewers and reviewees)Tuesday 16 March 15:00-16:00
  • Celebrating success/ Attitude of Gratitude(for both reviewers and reviewees)Thursday, 25 March 15:30 -16:30
Wed 10

In collaboration with UIS and ourcambridge, a series of drop in sessions has been designed to provide reviewees and reviewers with the opportunity to share best practice with others and to discuss some of the challenges around holding good SRD conversations and how they can be overcome. They are entirely optional and you can attend as many or as few as you would like. The sessions will be interactive and focus around key discussion topics. For some sessions, we may contact you and ask you to watch a short 5-10 minute film beforehand.


  • Setting Objectives (for both reviewers and reviewees) Wednesday 3 February 11:30- 12:30
  • Staff wellbeing (for both reviewers and reviewees) Wednesday 10 February 14:00 -15:00
  • Leading by Coaching style/ ask questions (reviewers only) Thursday 18 February 10:00 -11:00
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback (for both reviewers and reviewees) Thursday 4 March 11:00- 12:00
  • Effective 1:1's (for both reviewers and reviewees)Tuesday 16 March 15:00-16:00
  • Celebrating success/ Attitude of Gratitude(for both reviewers and reviewees)Thursday, 25 March 15:30 -16:30
Thu 18

In collaboration with UIS and ourcambridge, a series of drop in sessions has been designed to provide reviewees and reviewers with the opportunity to share best practice with others and to discuss some of the challenges around holding good SRD conversations and how they can be overcome. They are entirely optional and you can attend as many or as few as you would like. The sessions will be interactive and focus around key discussion topics. For some sessions, we may contact you and ask you to watch a short 5-10 minute film beforehand.


  • Setting Objectives (for both reviewers and reviewees) Wednesday 3 February 11:30- 12:30
  • Staff wellbeing (for both reviewers and reviewees) Wednesday 10 February 14:00 -15:00
  • Leading by Coaching style/ ask questions (reviewees only) Thursday 18 February 10:00 -11:00
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback (for both reviewees and reviewers) Thursday 4 March 11:00- 12:00
  • Effective 1:1's (for both reviewers and reviewees)Tuesday 16 March 15:00-16:00
  • Celebrating success/ Attitude of Gratitude (for both reviewers and reviewees)Thursday, 25 March 15:30 -16:30
Tue 23

Given the plan to decommission the Managed Web Service (MWS) later this calendar year, we will hear from and can engage with the Cambridge-based Mythic Beasts who have extensive understanding of our University systems and challenges, and local/international hosting options.

In addition, following the successful Network+ training pilot, the four Universities comprising the COGEnT (Cambridge, Oxford, Glasgow, Edinburgh) consortium have agreed with CompTIA to follow up with some Cloud training. CompTIA will introduce their Cloud Essentials and Cloud+ courses, and next steps for a mixed cloud training pilot (with a few sponsored places, and favourable academic pricing).

Thu 25
Digital Presence Programme: virtual town hall #2 new Finished 11:10 - 11:55 Online

Hear an update on recent activities from members of the Digital Presence Programme. You can post your questions in advance and during the event via the Teams Live Q&A feature.

March 2021

Wed 3

This session will provide updates about the service migration from Hermes to Exchange Online.

There will also be an update about a paper being sent to the Email Scrutiny Committee on 30 March concerning:

1. the deprecation of TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 in PPSW

2. hosts using PPSW to send email from the CUDN

3. SPF and DKIM.

The presentation will be followed by time for questions and discussion.

Thu 4

In collaboration with UIS and ourcambridge, a series of drop in sessions has been designed to provide reviewees and reviewers with the opportunity to share best practice with others and to discuss some of the challenges around holding effective 1:1 and SRD conversations and how they can be overcome. They are entirely optional and you can attend as many or as few as you would like. The sessions will be interactive and focus around key discussion topics. For some sessions, we may contact you and ask you to watch a short 5-10 minute film beforehand.


  • Setting Objectives (for both reviewers and reviewees) Wednesday 3 February 11:30- 12:30
  • Staff wellbeing (for both reviewers and reviewees) Wednesday 10 February 14:00 -15:00
  • Leading by Coaching style/ ask questions (reviewees only) Thursday 18 February 10:00 -11:00
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback (for both reviewers and reviewees) Thursday 4 March 11:00- 12:00
  • Effective 1:1's (for both reviewers and reviewees) Tuesday 16 March 15:00-16:00
  • Celebrating success/ Attitude of Gratitude (for both reviewers and reviewees) Thursday, 25 March 15:30 -16:30

As part of the UIS Wellbeing initiative, we are very pleased to invite Hisham Ziauddeen a Clinical Senior Research Associate in the Department of Psychiatry and the University’s Wellbeing and Disability Champion to deliver a talk on 'Optimising Brain Functioning'. He is a consultant psychiatrist working in early intervention in psychosis.

He will talk about how we model our minds and how we manage the cost of mental functioning. He will particularly discuss the impact of work and other stress and the phenomenon of burnout. These are complex problems that have got even more complex with COVID-19 and they don’t have simple solutions but there are some ways we can ease them.

The 4 March is University Mental Health Day which aims to bring together the university community to make mental health a university-wide priority and create ongoing year round change to the future of our mental health. Now more than ever it's important to get the nation talking about our mental health.

Both staff and students are welcome to join the live event.

Tue 16

Presentations from Dr. Philip Hazel on Perl Compatible Regular Expressions PCRE & Deloitte - Robotic process automation RPA

Philip Hazel (retired UCS staff, developer of exim) will provide an overview of the PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) library, used by many high-profile open source (e.g. Apache, exim, KDE, PHP, Postfix, Nmap) and commercial (e.g. Apple Safari) projects.

Deloitte presenters will introduce and share examples of their use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Matthew Spaul (Robotics and Intelligent Automation Consultant) and David Adams (Risk Advisory) will show evolving use cases for RPA "to capture and interpret existing IT applications to enable transaction processing, data manipulation and communication across multiple IT systems."

In collaboration with UIS and ourcambridge, a series of drop in sessions has been designed to provide reviewees and reviewers with the opportunity to share best practice with others and to discuss some of the challenges around holding good SRD conversations and how they can be overcome. They are entirely optional and you can attend as many or as few as you would like. The sessions will be interactive and focus around key discussion topics. For some sessions, we may contact you and ask you to watch a short 5-10 minute film beforehand.


  • Setting Objectives, Wednesday 3 February 11:30- 12:30
  • Staff wellbeing, Wednesday 10 February 14:00 -15:00
  • Leading by Coaching style/ask questions (reviewees only) Thursday 18 February 10:00 -11:00
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback,Thursday 4 March 11:00- 12:00
  • Effective 1:1's, Tuesday 16 March 15:00-16:00
  • Celebrating success/Attitude of Gratitude, Thursday, 25 March 15:30 -16:30
Wed 24
TechLink Community: Clear as Clouds - New approaches with AWS/Amazon new Finished 14:15 - 16:15 UIS Online Courses - instructor-led

Presentations from representatives of Amazon Web Services


Thu 25

In collaboration with UIS and ourcambridge, a series of drop in sessions has been designed to provide reviewees and reviewers with the opportunity to share best practice with others and to discuss some of the challenges around holding good SRD conversations and how they can be overcome. They are entirely optional and you can attend as many or as few as you would like. The sessions will be interactive and focus around key discussion topics. For some sessions, we may contact you and ask you to watch a short 5-10 minute film beforehand.


  • ""Setting Objectives"" (for both reviewers and reviewees) Wednesday 3 February 11:30- 12:30
  • Staff wellbeing (for both reviewers and reviewees) Wednesday 10 February 14:00 -15:00
  • Leading by Coaching style/ ask questions (reviewers only) Thursday 18 February 10:00 -11:00
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback (for both reviewers and reviewees) Thursday 4 March 11:00- 12:00
  • Effective 1:1's (for both reviewers and reviewees) Tuesday 16 March 15:00-16:00
  • Celebrating success/ Attitude of Gratitude (for both reviewers and reviewees) Thursday, 25 March 15:30 -16:30

April 2021

Thu 15
Digital Presence Programme: virtual town hall #3 new Finished 11:10 - 12:00 Online

Hear an update on recent activities from members of the Digital Presence Programme. You can post your questions in advance and during the event via the Teams Live Q&A feature.

May 2021

Tue 18
Learning at Work: Psychological Safety at Work new Finished 11:30 - 12:15 UIS Online Courses - instructor-led

For this session, we will be joined by Dr Thomas Roulet from the Judge Business School. Thomas  will talk about the importance of psychological safety at work and how to foster psychological safety in the context of remote or hybrid working.

Learning at Work: Being a Lifelong Learner new Finished 14:00 - 14:45 UIS Online Courses - instructor-led

To kick off our first Learning at Work talks, we will hear from Dr. Bonnie Cheuk a Senior Director and Head of Business and Digital Transformation at AstraZeneca. Bonnie will talk about the concept, mindset and importance of becoming a life long learner and share how she has adapted this attidude and encourages her co-workers to develop as lifelong learners.

Wed 19
Learning at Work: Emotional Intelligence new Finished 14:00 - 14:45 UIS Online Courses - instructor-led

Jacqui Kemp, Founder of Your People Potential  will talk about the importance and components of emotional intelligence in the workplace. She will also provide tools to understand your own strengths and weaknesses to build your own self-awareness.

Thu 20
Learning at Work: Effective Collaboration at Work new Finished 10:00 - 10:45 UIS Online Courses - instructor-led

Sarah Kevlin is a Senior Manager of Talent Development at Arm. She'll share her experience and expertise on how you can effectively collaborate within the workplace.

On World Accessibility Day, understand why inclusivity and accessibility is important and the University’s plans to increase the accessibility of its online content and things we can all do to improve our documents, publications and online content.

Fri 21
Learning at Work: Effective Collaboration at UIS new Finished 11:00 - 11:45 UIS Online Courses - instructor-led

Steve Hoensch, Head of Frontline Services at UIS will share his experience of collaborating with multiple institutions and colleagues with the work that went on to open the Anne McLaren Building as a testing centre facility during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Wed 26
TechLink Community: Cloud Journeys and Software Frameworks new Finished 14:15 - 16:15 UIS Online Courses - instructor-led
  • 14:15: Some Light in the Cloud - Azure at Cambridge Enterprise

Dr. Paul Seabright (Deputy Director) and Matt Whiting (CTO) of Cambridge Enterprise <> will share some of the ups and downs of their transition from on-premise to the cloud, which has been more rapid and radical than many of our institutions. As the University's knowledge transfer organisation, Cambridge Enterprise uses commercial avenues to develop the outputs of University research into successful products and services that benefit society. Their lessons and caveats may help others consider the practicalities when implementing a 'cloud first' strategy.

  • 15:00: Software Sleuthing - National Frameworks & Software Licence Resellers Agreement (SLRA)

The new SLRA, available via SUPC <> and other University purchasing consortia <>, provides multiple pre-negotiated agreements (lots) for software and services, working with a range of suppliers to help save institutions time and money. Academia, key supplier for lots such as with Adobe and VMware licensing <>, will provide an overview and practical introduction how to make use of the new SLRA.

June 2021

Wed 16
  • 14:15: Web Accessibility

Web accessibility has become essential for better and more inclusive interaction, helping address barriers to effective communication.

  • 15:00: TLS Certificate Service

UIS' TLS Certificate Service is changing, to offer a more comprehensive range at no cost, a faster self-service model, in many cases automatic renewal.

Tue 29
Introduction to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) new Finished 10:30 - 11:30 Online

Search engine optimisation (SEO) for beginners. SEO 'is the process of improving a website or web page so it increases organic traffic quality and quantity from search engines' (Webopedia).

Put simply, the goal of using SEO tactics, for many web editors across the University, is to help users find the content that they are looking for when they use a search engine. In practice, this means a webpage appears as high up the list of relevant search results as possible. To do this, content editors need to have a basic understanding of how search engines work and what users are searching for.

This session will include a potted history of SEO and practical tips to use on your webpages. Attendees will also be able to ask questions.

The session will begin with a quick update from the Digital Presence Programme.

Learning at Work: Recognising Collaboration (panel discussion) new Finished 11:00 - 12:00 UIS Online Courses - instructor-led

Gabriela Ahmadi-Assalemi, Simon Clarke, and Will Russell will discuss recognising the meaning, components, and benefits of effective collaboration at work.

UIS Incident Management Training: Introduction to IT Incident Management Process new Finished 11:00 - 11:45 UIS Online Courses - instructor-led

The Service Management Office has produced a new IT Incident Management process. This event is an introduction to the new process with time for questions and feedback.

UIS Incident Management Training: Introduction to IT Incident Management Process new Finished 15:00 - 15:45 UIS Online Courses - instructor-led

In collaboration with stakeholders around UIS, the Service Management Office has produced a new IT Incident Management process. This event is an introduction to the new process with time for questions and feedback.