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Instructor-led course

Provided by: Graduate School of Life Sciences

This course has 18 scheduled runs. To book a place, please choose your preferred date:

Tue 9 Jul 2024

Tue 16 Jul 2024

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Events available

1-to-1 review with Sam


This is l review of progress and training needs for year ahead. Students will complete a training needs analysis questionnaire before 1-to-1 with Sam (Training and Inclusive Support Manager), which will be use to steer the session and create a personalised training programme for student for the year ahead that will support PhD progression as well as developing skills for post PhD career choices

Target audience

BBSRC/SBS DTP students Yrs 1-4


Students will need to complete training needs analysis questionnaire before session. This will be sent to students after slot has been confirmed.


30 minutes


minimum of yearly with each student

Events available