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Wed 17 Dec - Fri 19 Dec 2014
09:00, ...

Venue: Bioinformatics Training Room, Craik-Marshall Building

Provided by: Graduate School of Life Sciences


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Bioinformatics: Next Generation Sequencing data analysis

Wed 17 Dec - Fri 19 Dec 2014


This course provides an introduction to next generation sequencing (NGS) data analysis methodologies. Lectures will give insight into how biological knowledge can be generated from RNA-seq, ChIP-seq and BS-seq experiments and illustrate different ways of analyzing such data. Practicals will consist of computer exercises that will enable the participants to apply statistical methods to the analysis of RNA-seq, ChIP-seq and BS-seq data under the guidance of the lecturers and teaching assistants.

Further information is available here.

Please note that if you are not eligible for a University of Cambridge Raven account you will need to Book or register Interest by linking here.

Target audience
  • PhD students and post-doctoral researchers who are applying or planning to apply NGS technologies and bioinformatics methods in their research
  • Booking priority is given to people from Cambridge University and Collaborating Institutes
  • Individual Course fees are required only from External participants not from Collaborating Institutes
  • Basic experience of command line UNIX
  • Sufficient UNIX experience might be obtained from one of the many UNIX tutorials available online.
  • Basic knowledge of the R syntax
  • For a real beginner's introduction into R see here. More advanced R instructions can be found at Quick-R or An Introduction to R

Number of sessions: 3

# Date Time Venue Trainers
1 Wed 17 Dec 2014   09:00 - 17:30 09:00 - 17:30 Bioinformatics Training Room, Craik-Marshall Building map M.A. Kostadima,  Thomas Rensch
2 Thu 18 Dec 2014   09:00 - 17:30 09:00 - 17:30 Bioinformatics Training Room, Craik-Marshall Building map M.A. Kostadima,  Thomas Rensch
3 Fri 19 Dec 2014   09:00 - 16:40 09:00 - 16:40 Bioinformatics Training Room, Craik-Marshall Building map Simon Andrews,  Felix Krueger
Topics covered
  • short read alignment
  • data handling and visualisation
  • region identification
  • differential expression
  • differential methylation
  • data quality assessment and statistical analysis

The aim of this course is to familiarise the participants with NGS data analysis methodologies and provide hands-on training on the latest analytical approaches.


Presentations, demonstrations and practicals




A number of times per year

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