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University of Cambridge Training

All-provider course timetable


Fri 21 Jun – Mon 24 Jun

Now Today

Friday 21 June

Drop In Session - Continuous Improvement Finished 09:00 - 10:00 CPMO: MS Teams

A series of 30 minute drop-in sessions to talk with one of the Continuous Improvement team. We offer expert, impartial advice relating all things process improvement and want to support our colleagues on their own continuous improvement journeys.

Please note, these sessions are informal, 1-2-1 meetings where colleagues can ask for advice and guidance from the team. These are not workshops or taught sessions.

The team will be available 9-10 and 4-5 every Tuesday and Friday - each hour can be split into two sessions of 30 minutes depending on demand.

Analysis of bulk RNA-seq data (IN-PERSON) (1 of 3) Finished 09:30 - 17:30 Bioinformatics Training Room, Craik-Marshall Building

In this course you will acquire practical skills in RNA-seq data analysis. You will learn about quality control, alignment, and quantification of gene expression against a reference transcriptome. Additionally, you will learn to conduct downstream analysis in R, exploring techniques like PCA and clustering for exploratory analysis. The course also covers differential expression analysis using the DESeq2 R/Bioconductor package. Furthermore, the course covers how to generate visualisations like heatmaps and performing gene set testing to link differential genes with established biological functions or pathways.

If you do not have a University of Cambridge Raven account please book or register your interest here.

Additional information
  • ♿ The training room is located on the first floor and there is currently no wheelchair or level access.
  • Our courses are only free for registered University of Cambridge students. All other participants will be charged according to our charging policy.
  • Attendance will be taken on all courses and a charge is applied for non-attendance, including for University of Cambridge students. After you have booked a place, if you are unable to attend any of the live sessions, please email the Bioinfo Team.
  • Further details regarding eligibility criteria are available here.
  • Guidance on visiting Cambridge and finding accommodation is available here.
CULP: Academic German for Archive Work Workshop Finished 10:00 - 13:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 4

The Academic German for Archive Work workshops are offered during the academic year, based on demand. Each workshop lasts three hours and enrols up to 15 participants. For more information, please check our website.

Virtual Writing Retreats Finished 10:00 - 12:30 Online

Do you have a deadline coming up or a piece of writing that’s long overdue? Or maybe some data analysis that keeps slipping to the bottom of your to-do list?

Our online retreats give you time, peace, and space to think and write. Each session will provide a friendly and constructive environment in which to meet like-minded peers, discuss challenges, and work in a focused way using the Pomodoro technique.

These virtual retreats are being hosted collaboratively across several institutions to encourage researchers across career stages and institutions to come together in a sustainable writing environment.

The retreats will take place several times per month throughout the academic year and you can attend as many as you like (within booking limits for each session).

Please note: It is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process of importing the course appointment to your calendar.

Tableau Drop In Sessions (via Teams) new Finished 11:00 - 11:30 Via MS Teams

This is an opportunity for the members of the University to go one-on-one with Tableau experts across the Business Information and Strategic Insights Team, who can help you solve challenges.

Tableau Drop In Sessions (via Teams) new Finished 11:30 - 12:00 Via MS Teams

This is an opportunity for the members of the University to go one-on-one with Tableau experts across the Business Information and Strategic Insights Team, who can help you solve challenges.

Supporting Student Carers at Cambridge new CANCELLED 12:00 - 14:00 Sidgwick Site, Alison Richard Building, Atrium

We would like to warmly invite anyone who is a student with caring responsibilities to an event we are running on Friday 21st June with a talk from the University Counselling Service followed by an informal lunch. There will be a wide range of literature and information of services around the University and the local community available and a chance for you to meet others who juggle studies and caring responsibilities at Cambridge.

If you would like to join us, please could you sign up (please click here to register) for catering numbers and room capacity.

The talk will be delivered by Margaret Bailey at the University Counselling Service, who will share with you the key support available to you at Cambridge. In addition, Margaret will offer guidance around self-care and managing the many challenges of being a student-carer.

Caring can take many forms, whether it is for a child, partner, parent or friend. Even if you don’t care directly for someone but are interested in providing support to those who do, please feel free to attend.


This session will inform you what to expect on the day that your device is upgraded to the University Managed Desktop (UMD) with Windows 11 and Office 365. It will enable you to become familiar with the new Microsoft 365 suite of applications including OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams.

You will know how to move your personal work files to OneDrive and where any shared work files are stored in SharePoint. The course will give you hands on practice collaborating in real time using office files such as Word, Excel or PowerPoint. We will explore how your Outlook and Teams calendars work together for meetings.

Information on the University Managed Desktop can be found here.


When we talk about turning a thesis into a ‘book’, we are really talking about a ‘monograph’. In keeping with the etymological sense of the word, a monograph is generally considered a written work that focuses on one specialised subject with a view to contributing original insight and knowledge.

Given a doctoral thesis – particularly in the arts, humanities and social sciences – is a dedicated study on one specialised topic or area of research, it stands to reason that it is a kind of proto-monograph. This course is concerned with turning a proto-monograph into a fully-fledged and published monograph, i.e. a book. The aim, therefore, is to familiarise students with the process of, and the various issues involved with, turning their PhD thesis into a published monograph.

CLIC: Chinese: Intermediate (Intensive) (4 of 9) CANCELLED 14:00 - 16:00 CLIC online teaching

Intermediate intensive course of Chinese.

Student Mental Health Essentials (Faculties and Departments) new Finished 14:00 - 15:30 Student Services Centre, New Wing Seminar Room

‘Student Mental Health Essentials’ is a focused introductory guide to student mental health tailored to the Cambridge context. The programme has been developed with Academic Departments, for Academic Departments, and is led by trainers from the University’s Student Wellbeing Service.

The session offers essential information and practical guidance relevant to the roles of academic and professional staff at Faculties and Departments and offers opportunities for discussion and analysis of authentic case studies with colleagues.

We welcome suggestions of practical scenarios relevant to your context to ensure the scenarios are appropriate and useful. Each session includes practical resources and information on services which will be circulated alongside the session slides for reference.

CLIC: Japanese: Beginner Intensive (8 of 9) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

Introductory course to Japanese. This course is for those with no previous knowledge of Japanese. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

CLIC: Spanish: Intermediate (Intensive) (3 of 9) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 1

This course is suitable for students who have studied or picked up Spanish at basic level and who want to revise and progress onto intermediate topics and language and to discover Hispanic culture. The main focus is learning through communication and interaction. We will get together, which offers us many possibilities to watch videos, listen to audio, read texts, write and especially speak in small and large groups. ¡Te esperamos!

CLIC: Chinese: Beginner (Intensive) (4 of 9) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 CLIC online teaching

Introductory course to Chinese. This course is for those with no previous knowledge of Chinese. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

Drop In Session - Continuous Improvement Finished 16:00 - 17:00 CPMO: MS Teams

A series of 30 minute drop-in sessions to talk with one of the Continuous Improvement team. We offer expert, impartial advice relating all things process improvement and want to support our colleagues on their own continuous improvement journeys.

Please note, these sessions are informal, 1-2-1 meetings where colleagues can ask for advice and guidance from the team. These are not workshops or taught sessions.

The team will be available 9-10 and 4-5 every Tuesday and Friday - each hour can be split into two sessions of 30 minutes depending on demand.

CULP: Russian Basic 2 charged (14 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages, Room 219

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence. At basic level the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre.

Monday 24 June

Welcome to New Staff Finished 09:00 - 12:00 Faculty of Music, West Road Concert Hall

The University of Cambridge is committed to effective induction for all new members of staff. In addition to the welcome and induction you will receive in your institution, you are warmly invited to take part in the University’s two-stage induction.

The first stage comprises the University’s Induction Online programme. This web resource is a quick and easy way for you to learn all about what it is like to work here as well as understand your role and responsibilities. It provides key information to help you:

  • settle into your new role quickly
  • orientate yourself in your first few weeks at the University
  • integrate into the University
  • understand how the University works

The second stage is a Welcome to New Staff presentation event, hosted by Personal and Professional Development (PPD). The Welcome event aims to provide a broad introduction to all University staff, providing information about the University to enable you to get the most out of your time here. The event comprises:

  • a welcome and introduction to the University from a senior member of the University
  • a talk from a colleague about their career journey at the University
  • a presentation on the benefits of being part of the University of Cambridge
Asbestos Awareness Training CANCELLED 09:00 - 12:30 Greenwich House, Cairo Room

This training will provide delegates with a basic knowledge of asbestos awareness, the risks and the legal requirements under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

Asbestos awareness training is mandatory for all University personnel meeting the prerequisites of the Asbestos Regulations and ACoPs (Accepted Codes of Practice). Training is typically required for personnel who could inadvertently disturb asbestos during the course of their work/activities or instruct someone to do so, eg personnel who work on buildings.

Peregrine Foresight Approver Training new Finished 09:00 - 13:00 Greenwich House, Heidelberg/Granada (Combined) Room

Essential training for colleagues who will be acting as Approvers for pre-travel risk assessments in Peregrine Foresight. Delivered by James Lawrence from Peregrine Risk Management, this course covers the fundamentals of travel safety and security, threat and risk assessment, risk treatment and mitigation, reviewing risk assessments in the Foresight platform, and supporting travellers in-country. The session will provide Approvers with the necessary skills to assess, feedback and approve pre-travel risk assessments, and give an overview of when risk assessments need to be referred to the Study Away Risk Assessment Committee (SARAC).

Analysis of bulk RNA-seq data (IN-PERSON) (2 of 3) Finished 09:30 - 17:30 Bioinformatics Training Room, Craik-Marshall Building

In this course you will acquire practical skills in RNA-seq data analysis. You will learn about quality control, alignment, and quantification of gene expression against a reference transcriptome. Additionally, you will learn to conduct downstream analysis in R, exploring techniques like PCA and clustering for exploratory analysis. The course also covers differential expression analysis using the DESeq2 R/Bioconductor package. Furthermore, the course covers how to generate visualisations like heatmaps and performing gene set testing to link differential genes with established biological functions or pathways.

If you do not have a University of Cambridge Raven account please book or register your interest here.

Additional information
  • ♿ The training room is located on the first floor and there is currently no wheelchair or level access.
  • Our courses are only free for registered University of Cambridge students. All other participants will be charged according to our charging policy.
  • Attendance will be taken on all courses and a charge is applied for non-attendance, including for University of Cambridge students. After you have booked a place, if you are unable to attend any of the live sessions, please email the Bioinfo Team.
  • Further details regarding eligibility criteria are available here.
  • Guidance on visiting Cambridge and finding accommodation is available here.
Writing Retreat: One Day Retreat (AHSS) new Finished 09:30 - 17:00 Student Services Centre, New Wing Seminar Room

Join us for an intensive and productive writing retreat tailored exclusively for doctoral scholars like you. Enjoy uninterrupted writing time, expert guidance from mentors, and a collaborative environment to refine your research. Take a day to focus solely on your dissertation or thesis projects, right here on campus. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your productivity and connect with fellow scholars!

This session will inform you what to expect on the day that your device is upgraded to the University Managed Desktop (UMD) with Windows 11 and Office 365. It will enable you to become familiar with the new Microsoft 365 suite of applications including OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams.

You will know how to move your personal work files to OneDrive and where any shared work files are stored in SharePoint. The course will give you hands on practice collaborating in real time using office files such as Word, Excel or PowerPoint. We will explore how your Outlook and Teams calendars work together for meetings.

Information on the University Managed Desktop can be found here.

CLIC: German: Beginner (Intensive) (3 of 9) CANCELLED 10:00 - 12:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

Introductory course to German. This course is for those with no previous knowledge of German. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

Designing assessment workshop: using the Design Decisions Framework new Finished 10:30 - 12:00 Student Services Centre, Exams Hall, Room AG03c

Assessment is one of the most powerful influencers of student learning and student behaviour. Decades of research suggests ways that assessment ‘should’ be done, but on the ground practice tends to be different. There is a substantial gap between the ‘state of the art’ and the ‘state of the actual’ in assessment. Why is everyday assessment practice so difficult to change?

This practical workshop introduces the Assessment Design Decisions framework. The ADD framework is the product of a federally funded Australian research project that explored the gritty realities of assessment, and connected them to rigorous assessment evidence and expertise. Participants will apply the framework to a new or existing assessment design from their own teaching. You can access the framework and other resources on the project website

Diversifying Assessment Forum 2024

You may also be interested in attending the Diversifying Assessment Forum 2024, scheduled for later in the afternoon of the day of this workshop. For more details, please visit:

To register for Diversifying Assessment Forum 2024, please follow this link.

Medicine: Writing a Systematic Review Protocol (for University and NHS) new Finished 10:30 - 12:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

Publishing a protocol -- stating in advance the search strategy, inclusion and exclusion criteria, data analysis and other evaluative techniques -- is a core requirement for conducting a systematic review. The process of writing this protocol will also mean you have written in advance a large chunk of what will need to go into the finished systematic review, saving you a huge amount of time.

This session will cover the contents and types of information you will need to provide in your protocol, and will give attendees the opportunity to write a draft protocol, as well as highlighting helpful resources and further support.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

Medicine: Writing for Publication (for University and NHS) Finished 11:00 - 12:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

A course designed to take you step-by-step through academic writing and publication, with tips and resources to make writing up as simple as possible. The course will demystify the peer-review process, and help you to improve the precision and clarity of your academic writing.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

Peregrine Foresight Approver Training new Finished 13:30 - 17:30 Greenwich House, Heidelberg/Granada (Combined) Room

Essential training for colleagues who will be acting as Approvers for pre-travel risk assessments in Peregrine Foresight. Delivered by James Lawrence from Peregrine Risk Management, this course covers the fundamentals of travel safety and security, threat and risk assessment, risk treatment and mitigation, reviewing risk assessments in the Foresight platform, and supporting travellers in-country. The session will provide Approvers with the necessary skills to assess, feedback and approve pre-travel risk assessments, and give an overview of when risk assessments need to be referred to the Study Away Risk Assessment Committee (SARAC).

CLIC: Spanish: Beginner (Intensive) (4 of 9) Finished 14:00 - 16:00 Department of Engineering, James Dyson Building, Teaching Room

Fun introductory course to Spanish. This course is for those with little or no previous knowledge of Spanish. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

Diversifying Assessment Forum 2024 new Finished 14:00 - 16:30 Student Services Centre, Exams Hall, Room AG03c

This annual Forum will be chaired by Professor Bhaskar Vira, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education and is coordinated by the Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning.

This annual event will provide an opportunity for discussion about current practices, processes and opportunities for enhancement of assessment and feedback. A panel of Cambridge staff and students will share their perspectives, and Professor Philip Dawson (Deakin University, Australia) will discuss the latest approaches to AI and Assessment.

The Forum will be of interest to those engaged in activities related to assessment across the collegiate university. It provides a venue to explore opportunities and processes relevant to current assessment practices, particularly in light of the University's commitments to diversifying assessment and to eliminating awarding gaps experienced by students who are disadvantaged by high-stakes summative exams. Further details, including the full programme of speakers, will be posted on the CCTL website in due course.

Designing Assessment Workshop: using the Design Decisions Framework, Monday 24 June 10.30-12.00

You may also be interested in attending the Designing assessment workshop: using the Design Decisions Framework, this workshop is hosted by Prof. Phillip Dawson and scheduled in the morning before the Forum. For more information and to register for the workshop, please follow this link.

CLIC: Chinese: Intermediate (Intensive) (5 of 9) CANCELLED 14:00 - 16:00 CLIC online teaching

Intermediate intensive course of Chinese.

CLIC: French: Beginner (Intensive) (1 of 9) Finished 15:00 - 17:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 1

Introductory course to French. This course is for those with no previous knowledge of French. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

CULP: Russian Intermediate 2 charged (15 of 15) Finished 15:00 - 17:00 Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages, Room 219

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence. At intermediate 1 level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CLIC: Japanese: Beginner Intensive (9 of 9) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

Introductory course to Japanese. This course is for those with no previous knowledge of Japanese. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

CLIC: Spanish: Intermediate (Intensive) (4 of 9) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, James Dyson Building, Teaching Room

This course is suitable for students who have studied or picked up Spanish at basic level and who want to revise and progress onto intermediate topics and language and to discover Hispanic culture. The main focus is learning through communication and interaction. We will get together, which offers us many possibilities to watch videos, listen to audio, read texts, write and especially speak in small and large groups. ¡Te esperamos!

CLIC: Chinese: Beginner (Intensive) (5 of 9) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 CLIC online teaching

Introductory course to Chinese. This course is for those with no previous knowledge of Chinese. Communicative context, with videos, audio, texts and conversation.

CULP: Russian Basic 1 charged (15 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages, Room 219

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence. At basic level the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre.